Category Archives: Before You Buy

Here’s How to Get Rid of Student Debt FAST

If you’re a dental associate, your student loans probably look like Mount Kilimanjaro. Yeah, you’ll conquer it eventually, but that’s a heck of a climb to get there. And if you stay in an associate or employee role, that will be one tough summit.

The average dental school grad in 2022 came out of school with just shy of $294,000 in student loan debt. To put it mildly: yikes. And that’s just the average! While some have a bit less, some have twice that amount. Maybe you’re in that boat—if so you’re not alone. A quick google search shows that there are a ton of current and former students worried about how to pay all of that off.

So, how do you do it? How do you pay down those student loans as fast as possible?

Buy a Mid-sized Practice. Here’s Why.

Let’s talk about sustainability.

No, I don’t mean the environmental buzzword—important though that may be.

I’m talking about personal sustainability. The ability to maintain your life, your work, yourself throughout a long and lucrative career.

So, with that in mind, here’s a piece of general advice for most dentists: don’t shoot for the stars.

Counterintuitive, right? Obviously this one is going to need a breakdown.

My Most and Least Prepared Clients Ever

The difference between being prepared or not is the difference in how much stress you’ll go through in your transition process. (I often talk about networking with “gray-haired dentists”; don’t become one of them before your time.)

Let me tell you about two clients. Both true stories, one bad, one good.